Contact Report 005

Fonte: Futuro Da Humanidade
This is an unofficial and unauthorised translation of a FIGU publication.
N.B. Esta tradução contém erros devido às diferenças linguísticas intransponíveis entre o alemão e o inglês.
Antes de continuar a ler, leia este pré-requisito necessário à compreensão deste documento.


  • Contact Reports volume: 1 (Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte Block 1)
  • Page number(s): 43 to 50
  • Copyright: 2002
  • Date/time of contact: Sunday, the 16th of February 1975, 23:41 AM
  • Translator(s): James Moore
  • Date of original translation: Saturday, 28th June 2014
  • Corrections and improvements made: N/A
  • Contact person: Semjase


Partial translation. Work in progress.

This will be the entire contact. It is an unauthorized and unofficial translation and may contain errors.

Contact Report 5 Translation

English German
Semjase Semjase
1. We have detected that you are already striving to notice our cause, much faster than we had expected. 1. Wir haben festgestellt, dass du dich bereits um die Bekanntmachung unserer Sache bemühst, viel schneller als wir eigentlich vorgesehen hatten.
2. Nonetheless, we are happy and we have no objection to your haste. 2. Nichtsdestoweniger aber sind wir froh darüber, und wir haben nichts gegen deine Eile einzuwenden.
3. But perhaps it would have been better if you had waited some time. 3. Es wäre aber vielleicht besser gewesen, wenn du noch einige Zeit zugewartet hättest.
Billy Billy
It seemed to me that I could already do this, the heavy preparatory work, because this sure takes a lot of effort to complete. Es dünkte mich, dass ich dadurch bereits die schwere Vorarbeit erledigen könnte, weil diese sicher viel Mühe in Anspruch nimmt.

Next Contact Report

Contact Report 6