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Fonte: Futuro Da Humanidade

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Data Nome Miniatura Tamanho Descrição Versões
02h01min de 1 de março de 2016 WCUFO-near-to-the-tree.jpg (ficheiro) 1,91 MB Photos #841 and #844, together. Notice the shadows and branches of the tree. WCUFO of 7 meters is close to a 15 meters tall Norway Spruce tree. In Photo #844 Maier was at 33 meter from the WCUFO. 1
23h48min de 16 de julho de 2015 Sound-recording.jpg (ficheiro) 102 kB Investigating the sounds of the WCUFO in the 80s. Source: Contact movie. 1
15h02min de 18 de abril de 2015 F 0841 zoom.jpg (ficheiro) 114 kB Photo #841 zoomed and enhanced. Taken on April 3, 1981 at 13:20. Notice the shadows casted by the WCUFO on the tree branches that is fully visible here. The sun is behind the photographer (Meier). These shadows are the same as the ones shown in Photo #... 1
03h12min de 23 de fevereiro de 2015 Asket-mystery9.jpg (ficheiro) 869 kB Enhanced photo #110. A black band at the left hides Nera face. Is this a cut on the negative of this photo? It was cut to hide Nera face? 1
03h08min de 23 de fevereiro de 2015 Asket-mystery8.jpg (ficheiro) 148 kB Comparison of Asket from photo #110 and the model of Dean Martin show. The orientation of picture #110 makes a big difference. On the botton row, photo #110, Nera would be at the left. None of the photos and videos from Dean Martin show, displays the m... 1
03h03min de 23 de fevereiro de 2015 Asket-mystery7.jpg (ficheiro) 450 kB Magazine article about Billy Meier case. Asket picture at the bottom. 1
03h02min de 23 de fevereiro de 2015 Asket-mystery6.jpg (ficheiro) 36 kB Picture #110. Asket. Is this the right orientation of the photo? 1
02h59min de 23 de fevereiro de 2015 Asket-mystery5.jpg (ficheiro) 211 kB Symmetry analysis of the face of the model similar to Asket. Her face is asymmetrical. 1
02h58min de 23 de fevereiro de 2015 Asket-mystery4.jpg (ficheiro) 227 kB Symmetry analysis of the face of the model similar to Asket. Her face is asymmetrical. 1
02h57min de 23 de fevereiro de 2015 Asket-mystery3.jpg (ficheiro) 133 kB Symmetry analysis of the face of the model similar to Asket. Her face is asymmetrical. 1
02h55min de 23 de fevereiro de 2015 Asket-mystery2.jpg (ficheiro) 423 kB Symmetry analysis of Asket picture #110. Her face is symmetrical. 1
02h51min de 23 de fevereiro de 2015 Asket-mystery1.jpg (ficheiro) 353 kB Photo #110. Asket photo. Scanned from a photo purchased at the SSSC. 1
21h25min de 22 de fevereiro de 2015 Detalle-ramas-844.jpg (ficheiro) 428 kB Photo #844. Zoomed and enhanced. Details on the branches show a shadow casted by the WCUFO. This UFO is very close to this tree, which is not a bonsai or a Little tree. This WCUFO is 7 meters in diameter. 1
21h21min de 22 de fevereiro de 2015 F 0844 claro.jpg (ficheiro) 2,15 MB Photo #844. By enhancing the image new details are visible. On the bottom of this UFO a dark reflection is on the left side, indicating the tree is very close to it. Notice the shadow casted on the tree branches. This tree is about 15 meters tall, so t... 1
21h15min de 22 de fevereiro de 2015 F850 enhanced.jpg (ficheiro) 691 kB Enhanced photo #850. The WCUFO is behind a big tree. This UFO is 7 meters in diameter. 1
19h38min de 22 de fevereiro de 2015 F 0873 rgb-comparison.jpg (ficheiro) 914 kB Pic 873. WCUFO at night (left). Enhancing the image (right), a terrain below the UFO, and a pink mysterious halo are visible. A pole of 1 meter height (aprox) indicates this WCUFO might be 7 meters in diameter. 1
19h29min de 22 de fevereiro de 2015 F808-detalle-esfera2.jpg (ficheiro) 61 kB Pic 808. Detailed image of the spheres' reflections. The Carriage House is visible here (left). On the right the profiles of this building Wall and Billy Meier were drawn. 1
18h55min de 22 de fevereiro de 2015 F808-detalle1.jpg (ficheiro) 36 kB Pic 808. Details of the crystals, and lenses (the blue one is inside one sphere) 1
18h51min de 22 de fevereiro de 2015 Pic-808.jpg (ficheiro) 549 kB The best photo of the WCUFO of 3.5m taken by Billy Meier at his backyard. Zomming in shows several Little details, like colored crystals, colored lenses and fine engraving. 1